Goodbye For Now Ms. Skeeter (Kita) March 26

It’s been a little over a year, and the very thought of this little girl can still make me cry…

Women Who Think Too Much by Jeanne Marie

There is never enough time to give all the love you have to anyone. There is never enough time.
I have loved this little dog with all my heart since the day we got her from the shelter in Orlando.
But somehow, it doesn’t feel like enough.
I want to give her more love before she goes, but we’re out of time.
There is never enough time.
Maybe that’s why God gave us dogs, so we could practice grieving the loss of what we love so much, so that when we lose people, we have already had a glimpse of what it’s going to feel like.
We already know what a broken heart is, before we are knocked out of our orbit by losing a person we love.
That’s the only reason I can think of why dogs have a short life, why they usually go before us.
I know…

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5 thoughts on “Goodbye For Now Ms. Skeeter (Kita) March 26”

  1. Oh, so sorry Jeanne Marie. This is a beautiful and sad tribute to your beloved Skeeter. There is never enough time, and as the years go by you never stop missing your loved ones.

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