Women Who Think Too Much, by Jeanne Marie

Buy “Women Who Think Too Much”  Digital Book

A wake-up call for women who are sleep-walking through their lives,
accepting emotional, verbal or physical abuse.


16 thoughts on “Women Who Think Too Much, by Jeanne Marie”

  1. Hey, I hope you will accept, the fact that I have nominated you for the mystery blogger award! Feel free to take it or leave it if you do here are my 5 questions.
    1. What do you love to do in your free time?
    2. Whats your one goal for the year?
    3. What makes you feel in control?
    4. Why do you love blogging
    5. Weirdest fact you know?

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  2. Jeanne Marie, what important work you are doing! Bless you!! This is such a “taboo” subject and for most women who find themselves in an abusive relationship, they excuse and deny. I pray your words find the exact right women to help them to get out while they still can. Much Love to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My family is like that too, Jeanne Marie. They’d rather hide the dysfunction and the abuse rather then consciously work on gaining health in their relationships and to themselves. It’s hard to change, especially when those of us have grown up with abuse and dysfunction. You walk proud and those of us you “get it” will walk proud right along with you!!! XOXOXO

        Liked by 1 person

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