Moving Again

So we’re moving again. This next house will be the 15th house we have bought and hopefully the last; although I wouldn’t count on it.
We’ve also rented at least six apartments. I have painted and wallpapered each place we’ve lived in and I’ve also left behind beautiful gardens, even at the apartments.
I don’t know if I have Gypsy blood, but I’m pretty sure I do.
We have lived in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,  Oklahoma, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Florida and New Hampshire and are now in the process of moving back to Oklahoma. I guess Oklahoma wins as the favorite.
I started packing the day we sold the house, which was over two months ago, and I am just finishing up tonight, one day before we load the moving truck.
I started packing early because I didn’t want to cut it close, but that didn’t work out too well. I think we have too much stuff!
It’s 11 p.m. and I just sat down for the first time since 10:00 this morning. Unless you count the ladies room.
My daughter Jodie is flying in today with her friend Kelli to drive my car back to Oklahoma and my husband is on his way home from the airport with them right now.
I ache from head to toe and I’m exhausted. I really think I am getting too old to keep moving. If only I could just convince my head that my body doesn’t like this packing thing.
I don’t even want to think about the unpacking thing and maybe I won’t even do it. Maybe I’ll just put all the boxes in one of the spare bedrooms and let them stay there.
Maybe I’ll just sit around and write when we get there.
By the way, I’m writing a book called 15 Houses.
I’ll let you know if I ever finish it.

10 thoughts on “Moving Again”

  1. 15 houses? OMG. I have moved many, many times. Ever since I was a child. An expat brat, we lived in 8 countries. And moved once in each. Not to mention later moves. We just moved into our third house in Mexico and I sincerely hope it will be the last move. 🙂
    Best of luck on your next move. Packing is done, that’s the worst part.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. JM, I thought I was bad when I moved 5 times in 4 years, but you sure have me beat! I’ve been in this one 16 years — mostly because it’s just too darn hard to move! I’m seriously thinking it would be easier to move than get this place clutter free and clean, though! Love ya!

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          1. The cave sounds pretty good to me right now. No floors to sweep and no need for air conditioning. I have all the blankets I would need for the rest of my life, so that sounds like the ticket for me.
            So glad you enjoy my stories. I’m trying to get them down in preparation for the book I’ve always wanted to write, so my best method is to blog things as they come to me, print them out and put them in some semblance of order as I go along. Probably a pipe dream, but it’s making me remember a lot of the things that seem to try to escape me as the years go past.


            1. I think it’s an excellent idea and a great motivational tool! My book, “Women Who Think Too Much” was a dream for over twenty years and I have a dozen other books I dream around with! It’s amazing what we remember when we start writing!


    1. It is hard to move. As I get older it becomes much more difficult! I do usually de-clutter when I move, but this time I just packed it all and I’m sorting it out as I unpack. I just have too much stuff! Lots of pictures, memories, books, writing, cd’s, tapes, movies and who knows what! We are settling in now. I even planted some flowers. This is my first time near my computer in three weeks.

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