My Writing Process – World Wide Blog Tour. by “Women Who Think Too Much” author, Jeanne Marie

My Writing Process – World Wide Blog Tour

Maggie Thom, an incredible author whom I met through WordPress, nominated me for this World Wide Blog Tour.  I’m not great at following directions but here goes!

First I’ll tell you a little bit about Maggie.
“Award winning author, Maggie Thom, took the challenge and leapt off, leaving a fulltime, twenty year career in management, to write full-time. After publishing her first suspense/thriller book Captured Lies, October 2012, she published her second novel, Tainted Waters, April, 2013. Tainted Waters went on to win 2013 Suspense and Thriller Book of the Year through Turning the Pages Magazine. She is excited to publish her third novel, Deceitful Truths, March 2014.” (About Me, Maggie Thom)
I have read Thom’s first three books and loved each one.
Here is my review of “Tainted Waters.”
Thom’s book was like one of my Nana’s triple layered chocolate cakes, impossible to walk away from without licking the plate. (No, I did not lick my Nook. However, this was a one-night read for me and that’s my highest compliment.) This truth-seeking journey had danger, betrayal, generational family ties and romance. It was captivating from the very first page and it caught my full attention. Thom mixed all the right ingredients to create a delicious recipe for an entertaining night under the covers. I wasn’t putting down Tainted Waters until I knew that Sam and Keegan were…oops! Can’t tell you! The plot’s seamless, twisting turns and the tension-building exploits kept me flipping the pages. The characters had depth and color, they were very easy to connect with and I’m looking forward to more books from Maggie Thom. People always say, “Don’t quit your day job”. Well it’s definitely not true in this case.

Hi! I’m Jeanne Marie, author of “Women Who Think Too Much, A No Help At all Handbook
What am I working on?
Well the list would be much shorter if I reported what I’m not working on!
I work a bit on my writing just about every day but with numerous interests and genres, I tend to not finish things.
I am currently playing with ideas for a sequel to my first book, “Women Who Think Too Much, A No Help At All Handbook,” an anti-self help book.
The sequel, “Codependent, After All” deals with how hard it is to shake off codependency even after all… all the years of therapy, all the money spent on self-help books and even after writing a book about it!
I also write children’s stories, poetry, prose, fiction, song lyrics and personal essays. I have a room full of boxes filled with journals and printed work from my “before the computer” days.
I am always trying to organize this paper mountain and I would love to get it all on the computer but it hasn’t happened yet. I think the reason is–it’s not fun; plus, I keep throwing new writing on top of the piles, just to confuse myself.
I also take pictures to go with my work, plus a million more pictures that I don’t need. But I might!
I have pictures and writing scattered throughout two computers, two laptops and a Nook pad. When my husband isn’t looking I even throw some pictures on his computer!
Sheesh, I think I need help!
I am also a Butterfly Whisperer and since butterflies follow me everywhere I go, I often drop whatever I am doing to take pictures of them. One even followed me into my son’s house when I was visiting!
My book, “Women Who Think Too Much” sat on my computer for almost twenty-years. I held on to it for so long that someone else used that title, but since the book had developed from a newsletter I wrote for two years (1997-1999) also called “Women Who Think Too Much,” I just bit the dust and held on tight to the title. You would think I learned a lesson on procrastination from this experience but no matter how hard I try, I never seem to have enough time. I have compromised by doing at least one thing a day that is creative and makes me happy.
I promised my mom that I would publish WWTTM one day and so I did. However, I wasn’t looking for fame or glory and to be honest, I haven’t tried to promote my book. I do have a dream to go along with my book. I would like to see a copy of WWTTM in every women’s shelter. at no cost to the shelters.
If you want to know more about why and how I write, the links below may help.
Thank you for asking me to play Maggie!

18 thoughts on “My Writing Process – World Wide Blog Tour. by “Women Who Think Too Much” author, Jeanne Marie”

  1. Thank you Jeanne for doing this. I am looking forward to your sequel Codependent After All. It does seem that some things are so ingrained in us and really hard to change. I’m not sure why but if you ever figure it out, let me know. 🙂 Good luck with organizing and getting your old writings onto the computer – if you find a solution to actually getting this done, again let me know. I too have lots that just keeps getting buried beneath more stuff or chucked as I’m tired of looking at it. 🙂


  2. Reblogged this on Busy Mind Thinking and commented:
    My friend is an accomplished writer and recently was part of a world wide blog tour; it’s my privilege to re-post on behalf of Jeanne Marie and to accept the invitation I was honored with – to partake. Congratulations my precious friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am deeply moved. Congratulations my precious friend. I will remember to look at this and work on it tomorrow. I’ve not done anything like this before! All these new opportunities keep popping up that make me feel a sense of accomplishment. Thank you for that beautiful feeling tonight. You are loved, You matter to me. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are loved and you matter to me too. I have never done anything like this either, so it took a bit to get my brain around it and I ended up doing it a little different but I did it! Love you TONS! JM


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