Blessed with a day of love before my daughter goes to prison…thank you for all your prayers. I feel your love.






7 thoughts on “Blessed with a day of love before my daughter goes to prison…thank you for all your prayers. I feel your love.”

  1. Some days life just throws us so many curve balls. I’m so glad you had such a wonderful day with your family but so sorry for the reason behind it. I wish you and your family love and peace and the power to get through this together. Huge hugs and lots of love.


  2. OH sweet friend! What a lovely day of blessing and love! I’m so glad you had this day. I am here for you and praying. If you need me call. I love these photos they are precious! HUGS and I love you!


    1. Thank you. It was a precious day,no tears till the final hour.I am waking up to the first day and I will be good to myself today. I have my 7 year-old grand son to spend the day with me.. More blessings. I know it hasn’t hit me yet but with God’s grace and good friends like you I will be okay.Love you.


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