Pink Flowers




17 thoughts on “Pink Flowers”

  1. The pic no: 3, I dunno what the name of the flower is but we used to have into tree in our school. I still remember how when it was in bloom, every girl in school used to have one in their hair during recess..So pretty! Thanks for bringing back memories.


        1. My mother-in-law worked there and got us discount passes and we went over a couple times a week. Don’t worry, it would tax a 12 year old. There were so many acres of beauty, you could never see it all.


    1. The bottom flower was from Cypress Gardens in Florida and I’m not sure. It was such a magical garden, acres and acres of tropical trees and exotic flowers, and famous for water shows since the 50’s. It closed a few years ago and was turned into Lego Land. They had a Banyan tree that was one tree and covered acres. We walked under it and all through it. I don’t know if they kept the gardens, but the Banyan tree was protected.


      1. That tree sounds amazing. The flowers are beautiful! Hopefully someone will be able to tell me what it is when they see the post. Thank you for my good night present. Two big days ahead medically, hugs
