Lost To Sleep

Sleep eats my hours
Devours my moments
I awaken to find 
Years and years 
Were sacrificed
Lost to sleep.
Lost in a fog
Of numbness
I hide myself 
Inside each day
Veiled by darkness
I embrace each night.

29 thoughts on “Lost To Sleep”

      1. Well, sometimes some of the best words/works come from those times. You are wise to put them aside and read them later when you are feeling better!! You’re so smart! I really, really loved it and when you find out what I did, I hope you will still be happy???

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Well, You are a Sweet and Precious Friend to the nth degree, Jeanne!! Love that mischievous You! LOL I so appreciate getting to see Vermont Vicariously – You are the Sweet One!

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                  1. URSAmazing to be able to deal with that pain, Dear! Don’t know how you do it!! I’m a wimp! Thank God I’ve had good health! Knock on wood!
                    Hope you have a great day, My dear!!

                    Liked by 1 person

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