Yellows, Reds and Golds

In the midst of my autumn
watching my colors turn
yellows, reds and golds.
When the last leaf dies
storms will throw their icy
weight upon this body old.
Snowflakes will drift and pile
the tree limbs will come down
when boughs fail to hold.
Gifted with four seasons and
it seemed a time so long,
yet quickly, my leaves turned gold.
I pray you remember me as autumn
dancing in the wind, swirling and
bursting with colors so vivid and bold.

27 thoughts on “Yellows, Reds and Golds”

  1. Such a beautiful and wonderfully worded poem, Jeanne!! I love your joy, melancholy and love for Autumn, like me!! A Precious Poem – Bellissimo, Dear, Bellissimo! πŸ’–πŸ’–

    Liked by 2 people

                  1. You know you give me sugar spikes – LOL!
                    Hope your week is going great, My Dear! Super cool snow pics. How long did it last on the ground? Have you left out milk and cookies for your Muse!!! Scented candles and soft music?
                    LOL!! Sorry, I couldn’t resist!

                    Liked by 1 person

                  2. What she has a cell phone? Mine doesn’t? Ohhh, Muses aren’t usually like that. Is yours touchy? You could write her a thank you post? LOL! Beg off on having to take care of your garden and close on the house and being exhausted?
                    Snow only lasted 2 days? I guess that’s a good length of time. Thanks again for those pics. I loved them.
                    Hope your day is going well, Dear!

                    Liked by 1 person

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