Yes, I Do

I spent half my life making rules and asking people to follow them, disappointed when they didn’t.
I spent half my life cleaning when I could have played with my children, but, I didn’t.
I let time slip away, let people drift out of my life, moments I should have treasured but, I didn’t.
I let problems weigh me down, things that  didn’t even matter the next day.
But, I thought they did.
Now, I treasure every moment, every hug, every butterfly and flower.
Yes, I do.

14 thoughts on “Yes, I Do”

  1. What a beautiful poem, Jeanne Marie!
    Your wise words hit close to home…
    “I let time slip away, let people drift out of my life, moments I should have treasured but, I didn’t.”
    Every moment is significant, yet the realization often comes too late… Thank you for sharing. 👏♥️

    Liked by 1 person

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