A Codependent Fairy Tale

Women Who Think Too Much by Jeanne Marie

She changed after he died and God knows, she was strange enough before his death, but then he died and she melted into nothing, shuffling down the hallways clothed in someone else’s skin and we all realized that we were losing her and there was nothing to be done because we could see that her soul had fled with him into the death tunnel, even as her lungs continued to breathe and her blood continued to pump, even as she slept, as she walked, as she drew breath; yes, this woman in our mother’s body was now a stranger and even though we had all suspected that she still loved him as much as she hated him, we really didn’t know and we couldn’t have imagined the depth or the width of her self-imposed restraint and we never saw the chains that she had wrapped around her feelings, no, not…

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7 thoughts on “A Codependent Fairy Tale”

  1. Wow, so deep. Thank you for sharing. I was on the codependent tags list and this post popped up, thankful to have read it. I just posted one as well, a different codependent then the one you describe!

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