The Flower Whisperer, Michelle Marie at

My flowers have been waiting all their lives for the Flower Whisperer, Michelle Marie. Since she came into their lives, they practically burst from my camera each morning, eager to get into her hands.
My flowers talk to her and she, in turn, creates amazing, magical art work from their messages. I am in tune with butterflies and animals but as much as I love my flowers, they have rarely spoken to me. I visit her site for a minute and end up staying for hours.
Michelle Marie is a trained graphic artist but what she creates could never be learned. Her magic comes from her heart, her fingertips are but a tool. Her posts are unforgettable. These are just a few of the stunning creations she has made me. Visit more of her incredible posts at:
















17 thoughts on “The Flower Whisperer, Michelle Marie at”

  1. Today I need a flower also. I want a sunshine yellow one to lift my mood, after my horrible afternoon. But I will try to think Sunshine and Red Sunsets, and pray for a bright tomorrow.


  2. Reblogged this on thinkingpinkx2 and commented:
    My flowers have been waiting all their lives for the Flower Whisperer, Michelle Marie. Since she came into their lives, they practically burst from my camera each morning, eager to get into her hands.


  3. Reblogged this on Tell me about it and commented:
    Ya’ll won’t believe this but I needed this today! I feel so honored when Jeanne Marie asked me to share my art on our thinkingpinkX2 blog. When I was growing up there were two colors Pink for girls and Blue for boys, since all girls liked Pink I like Blue. I hate being like anyone else! But secretly I was and am drawn to PINK. My Pink art is the tender part of me, the one that cries a lot and wishes to be the best at something. The one that was invisible and I know it’s hard to believe but struggles daily with wanting to hide. Being visible is scary for me, sharing my art is the scariest thing I’ve ever done. It’s an extension of my heart that cries out to be known. Don’t we all want to be known for who we truly are, no holds barred, just out there living PINK? Showing the rough spots, the tender spots, Jeanne Marie what you have said here honors and humbles me and though I would like to hide thank you dear friend for leading me to the light, outside to play among your flowers with the Angels and the Fairies. πŸ˜€ I love you


  4. Hehe that’s me. I love this! Wow the flowers Whisperer. I think that is the coolest thing anyone has ever said about me. Thank you sweet PINK friend. I love your flowers I’ve never seen anything like them. They are to me like little whispers from Heaven and today I was thinking of this and made this for our PINK, but it’s for you! I think Maggie Mae sees them too!

    I think Fairies play here


      1. Oh I think you did a perfect job explaining it. I am honored that you think of my art like that. We were making something for each other at the same time I was just typing that when you text me that. We have some kind of something wonderful going with this PINK! It’s so healing for me and for you I think! πŸ™‚


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