My Daddy’s Legacy


A frightened child
Puts the pillow over her ears,
Daddy screams so loud
He doesn’t hear her tears.
He says that his family should die
They drain his very life,
He calls her mom a whore
But she’s a “Stand By Your Man” wife.
Daddy lurks over the small girl’s bed
He’s so quiet she almost wishes
That she could hear him scream!
Is that really a gun he holds?
Dear God, she prays,
Let this be a dream!
He never pulled the trigger
But he killed her just the same,
All the years of fearful waiting
Have drove her half insane.
The sun rises and she can’t wake up
Daddy ranted and raved all night,
How can she go to school
And pretend that she’s all right?
She watches her mother
Who plays her part so well,
Unlike the girl who doesn’t understand
Why she was born into this hell.
The years have gone by
And now a woman grown,
Still shackled to that frightened child
When the night falls, she is alone.
He said that his family should die
The woman often wishes that they had
Because living with her fears,
Has proven twice as bad.
by Jeanne Marie, 1969

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Why Not Everyday?

12 thoughts on “My Daddy’s Legacy”

      1. It brings me to tears, and reminds me of much. But it’s good to air these stories, as tragic as they are, it’s what makes us and others strong right?


          1. You are an inspiration. It’s never nice to relive old hurts, but with each telling as I’m sure you know it lessens their grip, and I agree it helps others do the same.
            I hope you have a lovely week 🙂


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